Home Sweet Homeschool

Home Sweet Homeschool
Home Sweet Homeschool

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vikings and Air-dry clay...

Today Nora took the kids at our house for art/history class...(pics by Sean)...we had studied how the Vikings learned from the Christians to make well ,headstones for want of a better work , and the girls used air-dry clay to make their own stones and to decorate them using ordinary kitchen untensils , (no sharpies as Daisy was involved) , so they drew patterns and runes, etc , when the clay "stones" dry they will use acrylics to paint in the details , pictures to come... then the girls made "shields" for the viking ship we are decorating and using as well as the written work , to display their art etc for this project...even Daisy , again had to get in on it , and why not ? Never too early :0)

So a big well done girls ,and a big thankyou to Nora for taking the class for me...and to Sean for the pics and un-ending supply of tea !

1 comment:

  1. have to say it was a great day, and they really enjoyed working with the girls altogether, especially Daisy Doo! And thanks for the coffee Seanie Doo! The day went so fast! good friends, good fun, good tea!
    I will be down tonight for more!
